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Motivating Change for Climate Change

As human beings, we are vulnerable to confusing the unprecedented with the improbable.

In our everyday experience, if something has never happened before, we are generally safe in assuming it is not going to happen in the future,…

but the exceptions can kill you and climate change is one of those exceptions.

Al Gore
About Me Image - EarthConscience


The earth is changing before our eyes.

Do you live and work in a sustainable culture?

Are you walking a razor’s edge with the cloud of climate change looming above you? 

Tears are welling up from the depths of the earth. Feel its heart heaving.

Step up. We can all play a part. We live in a digital world that allows us to connect quickly and easily with each other. New opportunities arise for individuals, entrepreneurs and small businesses to do their bit.

I commit to providing content for you to learn, find motivation and build a better future.



Motivational assistance through content to assist readers in remaining committed to changing climate change.


Weekly quotes with images to lift and keep the motivation going.



Reviews of motivational literature that has relevance to climate change.
